{{ $t("帮助中心") }}

{{ $t("ECalc 云手机安卓版下载") }}

安卓端用户可在google play及Apple store应用市场,搜索ECalc云手机,即可下载安装ECalc 云手机安卓版应用或搜索引擎搜索“ECalc 云手机”,进入ECalc 云手机官网(https://www.cloudecalc.com/)首页,点击下载安卓下载。


1. 首次安装ECalc 云手机APP需要登陆注册才可使用,ECalc 云手机支持邮箱/facebook/google几种注册机登录方式。


ECalc 雲手機安卓版下載

安卓端用戶可在google play及Apple store應用市場,搜索ECalc雲手機,即可下載安裝ECalc 雲手機安卓版應用或搜索引擎搜索“ECalc 雲手機”,進入ECalc 雲手機官網(https://www.cloudecalc.com/)首頁,點擊下載安卓下載。


1. 首次安裝ECalc 雲手機APP需要登陸註冊才可使用,ECalc 雲手機支持郵箱/facebook/google幾種註冊機登錄方式。


Android users can search the Ecalc cloud mobile phone in Google Play and Apple Store application markets to download and install Ecalc mobile phone Android apps or search engine search "Ecalc Cloud Mobile", enter the official website of Ecalc Cloud Mobile (https: // www.cloudecalc.com/) Homepage, click to download Android download.

New User Registration

1. For the first time, the Ecalc Cloud Mobile APP needs to be logged in to be available. Ecalc Cloud mobile phone supports mailbox/Facebook/Google registered machine login method.

2. Enter the mobile phone number, check my reading and agree to the "User Agreement" and "Privacy Policy", click to get the verification code to log in.