{{ $t("资讯") }}

{{ $t("主页") }} > {{ $t("资讯") }} > {{ $t("Ecalc云手机大派送,免费30天等你用!")}}

{{ $t("Ecalc云手机大派送,免费30天等你用!")}}

2024-05-24 03:44

感谢您一直以来对Ecalc云手机的支持,为了让更多用户体验Ecalc的云端手游乐趣,Ecalc特推出了“邀好友,享30天”活动。您只需邀请好友加入Ecalc Discord 服务器,就有机会赢取最高30天的Ecalc云手机使用时间。期待您积极参与,邀请更多好友,一起享受Ecalc带来的无限可能与乐趣,共同见证Ecalc社区的不断壮大。



  • 邀请5名用户,获得Ecalc 3天免费使用时间。
  • 邀请10名用户,获得Ecalc 7天免费使用时间。
  • 邀请30名用户,获得Ecalc 20天免费使用时间。
  • 活动期间邀请人数最多的前三名,可分别获得额外的10天、5天和3天使用时间。
  • 活动结束后2个工作日内统计有效邀请人数,并发放相应奖励。
  • 参与者需在活动期间,联系管理员确认并同步Ecalc的ID以便Ecalc发放奖励。
  • 请确保邀请的新用户在活动期间保持活跃,活动详情和奖励条件以官方公布为准。


  • 参与者必须是Ecalc的注册用户,并已加入Ecalc的Discord服务器(https://discord.com/invite/GnhyH4ZqYE)。
  • 用户在Ecalc Discord服务器中点击服务器名称获取专属邀请链接,并设定链接永久效期。
  • 通过参与用户的专属链接邀请好友加入Ecalc的Discord服务器。
  • 用户可以在Ecalc Discord的专用频道#ranking通过命令/invites或/invitecodes查看自己的邀请统计。
  • 用户可在社交媒体等方式分享使用Ecalc云手机的经验或故事邀请更多好友加入Discord服务器。
  • Ecalc保留对活动参与者使用不当手段或作弊方式邀请好友获得的奖励的权利。
  • Ecalc拥有对本活动最终解释权。

Follow our Facebook page: https://bit.ly/ecalcfb

Join our Youtube: https://bit.ly/3UWoH1H

Join our Discord: https://discord.com/invite/GnhyH4ZqYE

Connect on LINE: https://line.me/R/ti/g/kBdjrnfRir

感謝您一直以來對Ecalc雲手機的支持,為了讓更多用戶體驗Ecalc的雲端手遊樂趣,Ecalc特推出了“邀好友,享30天”活动。您只需邀請好友加入Ecalc Discord伺服器,就有機會贏取最高30天的Ecalc雲手機使用時間。期待您積極參與,邀請更多好友,一起享受Ecalc帶來的無限可能與樂趣,共同見證Ecalc社區的不断壯大。



  • 邀請5名用戶,獲得Ecalc 3天免費使用時間。
  • 邀請10名用戶,獲得Ecalc 7天免費使用時間。
  • 邀請30名用戶,獲得Ecalc 20天免費使用時間。
  • 活動期間邀請人數最多的前三名,可分别獲得額外的10天、5天和3天使用時間。



  • 參與者必須是Ecalc的註冊用戶,並已加入Ecalc的Discord伺服器(https://discord.com/invite/GnhyH4ZqYE)
  • 用戶在Ecalc Discord伺服器中點擊伺服器名稱獲取專屬邀請連結,並設置連結永久有效期。
  • 通過參與用戶的專屬連結邀請好友加入Ecalc的Discord伺服器。
  • 用戶可以在Ecalc Discord的專用頻道#ranking通過命令/invites或/invitecodes查看自己的邀請統計。
  • 用戶可在社交媒體等方式分享使用Ecalc雲手機的經驗或故事邀請更多好友加入Discord伺服器。
  • Ecalc保留對活動參與者使用不當手段或作弊方式邀請好友獲得的獎勵的權利。
  • Ecalc擁有對本活動最終解釋權。

Follow our Facebook page: https://bit.ly/ecalcfb

Join our Youtube: https://bit.ly/3UWoH1H

Join our Discord: https://discord.com/invite/GnhyH4ZqYE

Connect on LINE: https://line.me/R/ti/g/kBdjrnfRir

Thank you for your continued support of Ecalc Cloud Phone! To let more users experience the fun of cloud gaming, Ecalc is launching the "Invite Friends, Enjoy 30 Days" event. Simply invite friends to join the Ecalc Discord server for a chance to win up to 30 days of free usage of the Ecalc Cloud Phone. We look forward to your active participation, inviting more friends to enjoy the endless possibilities and fun that Ecalc brings, and witness the continuous growth of the Ecalc community together.

Event Duration: May 24, 2024 - June 20, 2024

Event Rewards:

  • Invite 5 users to get 3 days of free Ecalc usage.
  • Invite 10 users to get 7 days of free Ecalc usage.
  • Invite 30 users to get 20 days of free Ecalc usage.
  • The top three inviters during the event will receive an additional 10, 5, and 3 days of usage respectively.

The valid number of invites will be counted within 2 working days after the event ends, and the corresponding rewards will be distributed. Participants need to contact the administrator during the event to confirm and sync their Ecalc ID for reward distribution. Please ensure that the invited new users remain active during the event period. The detailed event information and reward conditions are subject to the official announcement.

Event Rules:

  • Participants must be registered users of Ecalc and have joined the Ecalc Discord server (https://discord.com/invite/GnhyH4ZqYE).
  • Users should click the server name in the Ecalc Discord server to get a unique invitation link and set the link's validity period.
  • Invite friends to join the Ecalc Discord server through the participant’s unique invitation link.
  • Users can check their invite statistics in the dedicated channel #ranking in Ecalc Discord using the commands /invites or /invitecodes.
  • Users can share their experiences or stories using Ecalc Cloud Phone on social media to invite more friends to join the Discord server.
  • Ecalc reserves the right to disqualify participants using improper means or cheating methods to invite friends and obtain rewards.
  • Ecalc reserves the final interpretation right for this event.

Follow our Facebook page: https://bit.ly/ecalcfb

Join our Youtube: https://bit.ly/3UWoH1H

Join our Discord: https://discord.com/invite/GnhyH4ZqYE

Connect on LINE: https://line.me/R/ti/g/kBdjrnfRir