Ecalc - 您的另一台AI云手机

User Terms of Use

These User Terms of Use ("Terms") constitute an agreement between ECalc and you as a user of ECalc's services ("User"). These Terms apply to the use of the Service and to all users who use it.

1 Definitions

Apps – ECalc's app, available on Apple iOS.

Content - Content uploaded by users, including but not limited to images, text, and videos.

Services - all or part of the Cloud Services and Cloud Storage, and such other services as ECalc may provide to its users from time to time.

Software - ECalc software that can be downloaded on the platform and is required to use the cloud service.

Users - companies, organizations, educational institutions, and employees and/or students or other individuals who are eligible to hold user accounts.

User Account - A platform login account created by a user.

2. Acceptance of Terms

2.1 The User must have read, understood, and accepted the Terms before creating a User Account or otherwise using the Services. In addition, the User undertakes to carefully read any and all future revisions or revisions to the Terms and not to use the Services unless the User has read, understood, and accepted the terms of such amendment or revision. If User creates a User Account or uses the Services on behalf of a Company or other legal entity, User represents and warrants that it has the authority to bind that Company or other legal entity to the Terms.

3 User Accounts

3.1 The User acknowledges that all User Account Data provided by the User to ECalc is true and correct and, if necessary, the User will update the User Account Data on the Platform so that it remains true and correct at all times. The User is solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the login information, and ECalc is not responsible for any unauthorized use of the User's account.

3.2 The minimum age to open a User Account is 18 years of age, unless parental consent is obtained. For students enrolled in an educational institution, the educational institution shall ensure that these regulations are met. ECalc reserves the right to determine whether these requirements have been met.

3.3 If ECalc suspects that someone has gained or may gain unauthorized access to a User Account password, ECalc may disable access to that User Account. ECalc may also disable and/or terminate a User's account when it is suspected that the User has violated any provision of the Terms or other ECalc guidelines, including, but not limited to, circumventing technical measures, tampering with the Software, Platform or Services, or intentionally destroying User Data.

3.4 The User is solely responsible for any content transmitted or uploaded by the User while using the Services.

3.5 If a User is inactive during the period of time described on the Platform, ECalc will delete the User Account and all content uploaded to that User Account. However, ECalc will send a notice to the user before the user's account and content are deleted. Logging in to a user account or using the application on the website will be considered an activity.

4 services

4.1 The form and nature of the Services may be expanded or reduced in the future. Information about the Services is provided on the Platform.

4.2 ECalc may, from time to time, provide the advanced services available on the Platform.

4.3 ECalc may modify the Services, parts of the Services or additional Services from time to time without notice. If the User does not accept the proposed modification or amendment, the User may terminate his/her User Account upon 30 days' written notice.

5. Right to use

5.1 ECalc grants the User a non-exclusive, limited license to install the Application on the User's device in accordance with the Terms and any applicable Apple App Store/Google Play Store terms and conditions. This license is granted to the user only if the user has a valid user account.

5.2 Except as expressly granted in the Terms, the User has no other rights with respect to the Application. ECalc reserves and reserves all rights not expressly granted.

5.3 The User may not use, copy or transfer the Application or parts thereof, except as permitted by the Terms. The User may not change, develop, or add to the Application under any circumstances. In addition, the User may not use reverse engineering, circumvent any technical limitations or otherwise attempt to alter or recreate the source code of the Application, or create backup copies, except as required by mandatory law.

5.4 The User shall not, directly or indirectly, sublicense, rent, lend or otherwise allow any third party to dispose of or otherwise use the Application.

6 User Support

6.1 ECalc is not responsible for the improper operation of the Services, including the Software and the Platform. In the event of such misconduct, the user shall not be entitled to any compensation or sanctions. However, ECalc strives to keep the service as error-free as possible.

6.2 If the User becomes aware of a breach or confusion in connection with the Services, the User shall notify the

7. Use of the Service and User's Responsibility

7.1 The User may only use the Services for purposes permitted by applicable laws or regulations. The User undertakes to comply with the guidelines and terms applicable by ECalc from time to time. The User shall not use the Services in a manner that causes harm to ECalc or third parties. If the User becomes aware that the Services are being used in violation of the Terms, the User shall, as far as possible, immediately terminate such use and notify ECalc of the violation.

7.2 With regard to ECalc and its subcontractors and partners, the User is solely responsible for all content, including text, images, sounds, data, videos and links, that is transmitted, transmitted or uploaded through the Services and the User Account.

7.3 The User may not assign or otherwise transfer its rights and obligations under these Terms.

7.4 The User expressly agrees not to upload, transmit or post information that infringes or violates the rights (copyright, trademark or other intellectual property rights) of others, may infringe the integrity of others, intimidate or offend others, may challenge criminal conduct or contain any material that is not permitted by applicable laws or regulations (such as discrimination, racial inflammation and children).

7.5 The User is solely responsible for not infringing the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of ECalc or third parties.

7.6 ECalc reserves the right, without prior notice and compensation, to remove any material that ECalc deems to contain inappropriate material and/or in any other way violates the Terms, ECalc Guidelines, or infringes the intellectual property rights of others. ECalc reserves the right to immediately terminate the User's account or the Services in accordance with the foregoing, and shall not be liable for any damages related to the User.

8 ECalc's Liabilities

8.1 ECalc is not responsible for the content of, or access to, the User Account or Linked Content. By providing access to the Services, ECalc is not responsible for intellectual property infringement.

8.2 The User is aware of this fact and accepts that system downtime, system interruptions and system failures related to the Platform, Services, Software, Data Systems or Data Networks may occur from time to time. The User further acknowledges that the quality of the Services is affected by the quality of the network, Internet providers and third-party servers and data performance (including subcontractors). ECalc does not guarantee or guarantee certain accessibility of the Services.

8.3 Under no circumstances shall the User be entitled to compensation for breach of contract or improper functioning of the Service.

8.4 ECalc's total liability for the Services and Platform shall be limited to direct damage to property, the total amount not exceeding the annual amount paid by the User for the Services. ECalc shall not be liable for any consequential losses or consequential damages, such as loss of profits, loss of savings, potential loss of agreements, and loss of data or content. Regardless of the claim, ECalc shall not be liable for any loss or damage to the user or others.

8.5 The Services, Platform and Software are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. ECalc does not warrant that the use of the Services, Platform and Software will be secure, uninterrupted, secure, always available, error-free, or meet the requirements of the User.

9. Force Majeure

9.1 ECalc shall not be liable for any damage, loss or inconvenience caused by circumstances beyond ECalc's reasonable control. This includes, but is not limited to, fire, explosion, war, flood, breach of contract or defect in telecommunications and data communications, weather conditions, network quality, operation of internet service providers, third-party servers, data performance, labor disputes, or regulatory action.

10 Fees and Payments

10.1 ECalc may provide its Users with free cloud storage, as described on the Platform.

10.2 The User shall pay the applicable fees for the services described on the Platform. The User shall pay the fees using PayPal or other payment methods supported by ECalc. ECalc may increase or increase the fees and charges for any existing services by giving at least 30 days' notice to the user.

10.3 ECalc may provide premium services from time to time. If the User wishes to use such Premium Services, the User shall pay the applicable fees.

11 Privacy

11.1 The personal data you provide to us in connection with the Services will be used and processed in accordance with the Privacy Policy. For more information, please read the Privacy Policy.

12 terms for iOS devices

12.1 The User acknowledges and agrees that Apple Inc. and its subsidiaries are third-party beneficiaries of these Terms and that Apple Inc. will have the right (and will be deemed to have accepted the right) to enforce these Terms against Users who are third-party beneficiaries of these Terms.

12.2 Apple Inc. will not provide any support.

12.3 In the event of any third-party claim that the App infringes the intellectual property rights of a third party, ECalc, and not Apple Inc., will be solely responsible for the investigation, defense, settlement and discharge of any such intellectual property infringement claim.


13. Termination, Notice, and Deactivation of User Accounts

13.1 There is no time limit to the time for which this Agreement is signed. Either party may request termination in writing at least 30 days prior to the end of the current payment period for termination at the end of the current payment period.

13.2 If the User breaches any of the provisions of the Terms, ECalc may immediately terminate the User's account and terminate this Agreement. ECalc reserves the right to deny access to the Platform and Services to a User and to refuse to open an account.

14 amendments

14.1 ECalc may modify and modify these Terms. These modifications shall take effect within 30 days from the date on which ECalc provides notice of the changes to the User through the Platform. If the User finds that the proposed modification or modification restricts the User's rights in a manner unacceptable to the User, the User has the right to terminate his/her User Account within 30 days of written notice. Users need to be aware of the applicable current terms when accessing user accounts and services.